Friday, October 28, 2005

OB Appointment - 14 weeks

I had my two week check-up after the cerclege was put in today. My doctor checked my stitch and everything looked great. He said the stitch was put in well. He tried to hear the babies heartbeat with doppler, but of course our little bean did not want to cooperate so we got an ultrasound. Our bean was doing fine. I was relieved to hear that. He reinforced that I can only work from home and basically have to limit my activity. I knew this already going into the pregnancy. I was also put on Flagyl an antibiotic to head off any injections that might try to rear their ugly head. So, I go back in two weeks to see how things are going. I will just have to take things one day at a time.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Feeling Better

I am finally feeling better and have recovered from the cerclege. Right after the cerclege I had a little bleeding and just felt like crap. My back was also sore for several days in the spot the spinal block was put in. There is no more spotting and I am feeling much better. Now the long road to 20 weeks, then 24 week, etc.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Cerclege In!!

Well, today the cerclege was put in. What a relief that is over now. Baby is all sewed in. LOL. We were suppose to be at the hospital by 7:00 a.m. We got there right on time. I got put in my hospital room. I just kept thinking boy it is different being in the hospital when something isn't going wrong with my pregnancy. I got hooked up to an IV, they took my blood pressure and my temperature. So we wait and they do not draw my blood until around 7:45 a.m. (mind you the surgery is suppose to start at 8:00). They were not going to start the surgery until after they got my results back. In the meantime they found the heartbeat with the doppler. It was our first time hearing the heartbeat.Finally my results came back and the surgery could start, a little late. I walked into the operating room and it was cold in there. I got to sit on the operating table while the spinal block was put in. Let me tell you it hurt to have the numbing stuff put in, after that I did not feel anything. They laid me down at this point. My legs were starting to feel numb. I could still feel the sense of touch a little bit. They then put my legs up in the harness things. Let me tell you how vulnerable you feel in this position. My arms were streched out to my sides. They put things on my chest to monitor my heart and I got some oxygen. They first started by sterilizing the area. That felt weird. After that they did not say too much. I know when they put in the foreceps. I could at times feel a sensation down there, but I really could not feel anything. I just kept wondering what they were doing. I started to get the shakes. They put some warm towel on me, which felt better, but did not help with the shakes. They said the shakes were probably from the spinal block. Finally the procedure was done. It only took about 10 minutes. They wheeled me back to my room. Before I could go home, I had to pee and be able to feel my legs again. Well this took ahwile. In the meantime I still have the heart monitor things on, a blood pressure cuff, a IV and antibiotics, and also a monitor to monitor for contractions. I never had any contractions, which was great. After a couple of hours I finally started to feel my legs. Another hour after that they let me get up to try to pee. Let me tell you what fun that was. I was still kind of numb in that area and I really could not feel much. I could only get a little out. After about another half hour they brought me in something to eat. Yeah for food. I mean at this point the last time I had eaten was the night before. I mean it was hospital food, but it was not that bad. They tried to find the heartbeat again with the doppler, but could not. Therefore I got an ultrasound. My bladder was so full on ultrasound, but we got to see that our precious baby was doing fine. After the ultrasound I got up to pee again and I was finally able to. Let me tell you how nice it was to let all of that out. Can you spell relief. Anyway I finally got discharged. I was so happy to be going home.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Appointment with Peri

I had my appointment with the peri today. The peri said I definitely have a incompetent cervix and a cerclege is right for me. I had an ultrasound done to measure my cervix, which was just a little over three. We got to see our little one and he or she was doing great. It was amazing as we got to see some of our little one's brain. The tech said from what she could see of the brain everything looked good. It was amazing how much detail we could see. We could see the spine and a lot of the bones of the baby. In one picture it was like our little one was giving us a thumbs up. It was so cute. The tech also said that it looks like the baby is already practicing swallowing because his or her bladder was full. It was just all so amazing. The doctor examined me and said that my cervix was definitely short. The cerclege is scheduled for Friday. I am so excited, but nervous as well. I thought this day would never get her and here it is.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Baby is Doing Good!!

I went to the doctor on September 30, 2005 and we saw our beautiful baby. The heart was beating strong and the baby was growing well. He or she was actually measuring 2 days ahead. The baby was stretching when I saw him or her. Dave said you looked like the baby was waiving. We are so excited because we could see his or her arms and hands. I find it so amazing how much the baby can grow in four weeks. I love this little baby so much already. It is amazing the bond that you can get to the baby.

I am going to go see a peri on the 12th of October regarding putting in a cerclege. I will probably have the cerclege put in a couple of days after the appointment. I am nervous about the procedure, but I know that it will be my best chance at keeping this baby where he or she belongs in my stomach. I truly hope that the cerclege will be the answer. I will be put on antibiotics from the time of the cerclege until 32 weeks. This is due to my history. I seem to get infections quickly if there is any exposure due to my cervix opening. I was also told that I could not work. I told the doctor that I work from home and he said that this was alright. I will do anything for this baby to make it into this world healthy and alive.