Monday, December 05, 2005

Trip to the hospital

Well, I finally called the doctor after feeling my cervix area a lot of the past day. They told me to get checked out in L&D. Boy my heart sank and I started to cry. I so did not want to go there. To make matters worse it was snowing. We got there and we were put in the same exam room as I was put in when I was examined and found out during my 1st pregnancy that the baby's legs were already in the vagina. They examined me and my cervix was closed tightly. They monitored me for contractions, which I was not having. Yeah!! We also got to see our little boy on ultrasound. It was so cute it was like he was running in there. It is so amazing to see his growth. They did see some slight inflammation on my cervix, so I have to take Flagyl everyday. If that is all that is wrong I will take it. So after this trip, I was so happy because I got to leave the hospital and I was still pregnant.


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